понеділок, 27 квітня 2020 р.

7 цікавих фактів про День Землі англійською мовою


«Крок до Європи»

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7 цікавих фактів про День Землі англійською мовою J

1.  Earth Day is a day that is created to promote awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment.

2. Earth Day is celebrated on April 22.

3.  The first Earth Day occurred in 1970.

4. Earth Day is the largest and most celebrated environmental event worldwide.

5. Over 175 countries throughout the world celebrate Earth Day.

6. Most schools have activities planned for Earth Day to help children realize how important it is to take care of the environment.

7. Many organizations celebrate Earth Day by picking up trash on the road side, cleaning the banks of lakes and rivers, and making sure that beaches and parks are free from litter and debris.

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